Pamela Brizzola
Professional Translator and Interpreter
I am a professional translator and interpreter with over 20 years of experience.
Are you looking for perfect translation? This is the place to be.

- Technicol (IT, software, hardware, mechanics, engineering, electronics, communications, consumer goods, technical manuals, user manuals)
- Business, Finances & legal (profiles and business documents - statutes, incorporation documents, resolutions - business correspondence, international contracts, investment funds)
- Sworn / Legalised I deal with sworn and legalised translations at courts
Creative transaltions
- Copywriting e Web copywriting
- Marketing, advertising and transcreation(Web sites, social networks, brochures, slogans, Above-the-line and Below-the-line)
- Wine and oenology (wine marketing) www.lesenate.it
- I work as an ad-hoc interpreter, whispered and consecutive interpreting for business meetings, conference calls, B2Bs, business trips, fairs, and other trade opportunities in Italy and abroad.

ATA (American Translators’ Association) certified translator
Associate Member AITI (Italian Association of Translation and Interpreting)
Proz.com member
Certified Pro
Key dates
1993 Certificate of Proficiency in English
Cambridge University Certificate of Proficiency in English issued by the British Council in Bologna1994 Erasmus scholarship - Granada
Assignment of an Erasmus scholarship for the University of Granada, where I sat exams in English and Spanish literature.1994 Master’s Degree in Foreign Languages and Literature
Master’s Degree achieved from the University of Bologna with a thesis on Psycholinguistics – Final vote: 108/110 - Languages of study: English and Spanish1995 In-house translator
I began working a translator at a translation agency based in my area of residence.2003 Freelance
I began working as a professional freelancer, working with VAT and under the EasyTrad trade name.2006 ATA certification
ATA Certification (American Translators' Association) after passing a written examination during a session held Ascoli Piceno
Contact details
Easytrad di Pamela Brizzola
Via Valdaso 43 63827 Pedaso FM
E-mail: info@easytrad.it
Phone/Fax +39 0734 932476
Mobile +39 347 8285302
Skype: pamela_brizzola
Social media: